Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Risk Management for Dementia Patient
Risk Management for Dementia Patient Company name: SMART CARE      Client Name: Mrs Susan Smith                          Date of risk assessment: 22/2/17 What are the        hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? Do you need to do anything else to control this risk? Action by whom? Action by when? Review date Spillages Leaving objects in the walk ways The Dementia clients have mobility problems and may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages. General good housekeeping is carried out. All areas well lit, including stairs. No trailing leads or cables. Staff keeps work areas clear, eg no boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored immediately. Better housekeeping in staff kitchen Needed, e.g. on spills. Arrange for loose carpet tile on second floor to be repaired /replaced. All staff, supervisor to monitor Manager 22/2/17 24/7/17 Impaired mobility Clients with mobility problems need assistance to go to and from treatments, if they don`t get assistance they will be stuck and would not benefit from treatment. Workers that assist clients risk back injuries if they don`t have aids helping them to carry out appropriate lifting and moving the clients. Clients with Dementia and mobility problems can face difficulties in getting in and out from the bed without help and this can make them feel isolated and powerless. Provide step free access like ramps and lifts. Beds that have remote control assistance which helps clients and workers to ensure safe transfers. Have two staff to lift someone from the bed to avoid back strains. Walking sticks and wheelchairs are provided. All beds have bed rails. Maintenance is carried out every three months to ensure rails are properly fitted. Magnetic (automatic) doors for easy access. Clean and smooth flooring. Keep hallways clear without obstructions. Hoists for safe and effective handling and movements of clients Grab rails in bathrooms and corridors Non slip carpets and tiles Report any malfunction in the beds straight away and remove that bed from use. Managers All staff Cleaners Visitors Contractors Maintenance 31/03/2017 30/06/2017 Memory loss and confusion Clients with Dementia and Parkinson should be kept in safe and familiar environment because if they are in a crowed environment it causes them anxiety, distress and vulnerability. They may wander off and forget how to get back and may be subject to physical and emotional abuse. They may not be able to manage their finance and are subject to financial abuse They may not remember their relatives what means imposters may take advantage of that. Key workers are provided for a sense of familiarity. Maintain the same routine and avoid unnecessary changes. Doors have safety locks. Reception and corridors have CCTV cameras which is accessible to the receptionist. Offering outside activities with the key person. Offer assisting aid device in case of emergencies. Use facial and fingerprint recognition system for close relatives. Offer the assistance of a lawyer to help with advice in regards to finance. Keep pictures of the family members to avoid strangers take advantage of them. All staff Managers Participating organizations 15/03/2017 15/06/2017 Medication All clients in the care home that are on medication, nurses and doctors. If the wrong medication is prescribed than the client can die. The professionals can lose their rights to practice or be sanctioned. Clients with dementia may forget to take their medication or overdose themselves. All clients have medical files checked at admission. All medication is given only according to doctors recommendation. Control medication is signed by two nurses to avoid mistakes. Have a doctor available in the care home. Keep medication in a restricted area. Use of automated medication dispensers will help avoid overdose. Managers Nurses Cares 01/08/2017 01/02/2018 Nutrition All clients in the care home need to be provided with proper food and drinks. If they do not get the proper nutrition they can become sick or even die of starvation and dehydration. Provide a variety of food that are health and nutritious three times a day + two snacks. Water is available all the time. Allow certain clients chose their meal times and arrange for someone to be available to cater for them. Managers All staff 01/03/2017 01/06/2017 Personal Hygiene All clients, staff and visitors are affected if personal hygiene is not maintained because diseases can spread and a lot of people can get sick. Clients with dementia may neglect their personal hygiene because of the confusion and memory loss. Provide cleaning facilities like shower rooms, cleaning products like soap, shampoo and sterilizer gel. Provide PPE equipment for staff like gloves. Change bed linen every day. Provide better quality cleaning products. Ensure more checks on clients are done trough out the day. Managers All staff Clients 31/03/2017 01/07/2017 Violence/Aggression Clients, family and staff could face serious injures if they come in contact with a very aggressive client. Keep clients that have aggressive behavior separated from the rest of the clients and we offer them treatment and a key person that looks after them. Report and record changes on a daily basis to avoid separation on long term. Increase level of support, by employing more staff that can help the aggressive clients. Increasing the activities to stimulate changes in their behavior. All staff Managers Professionals 01/07/2017 01/02/2018 Laundry services The service user and care staff. If the service user`s beds and clothes are not being changed often enough because of incontinence clients can develop rashes and different kinds of illnesses. Staff can be contaminated with diseases if they do not manipulate the soiled laundry in a proper manner. Staff is provided with the correct PPE when providing care for the service user. Bedding is changed as soon as they are soiled and washed as soon as possible at a high temperature to avoid contamination. Water proof sheets are placed under the client to prevent linen getting soiled. Purchase of industrial washing machines would ensure the bedding is washed faster and the cleanliness would be better. All Staff Clients Managers 31/12/17 01/06/18
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Civil War in Congo Essay example -- essays research papers fc
     The recent Civil War in Congo has been a bloody flight, causing more then 3.3 million deaths in just 4 short years.1 Various rebel and ethnic groups have have been involved in the violence, fighting over Congo's rich natural resources or engaged in a bitter ethnic war. With so many opposing factions, it has made reaching a solution difficult. While a rough peace treaty has been established, sporadic fighting pops up in the country everyday. The people of Congo are being pushed farther into poverty and starvation can't handle the fighting for very much longer. I propose that the solution to the post-Civil War violence in Congo is to rid the country of all foreign nations and their problems, namely the Rwandans, and to get combatants inside of the country to hold a summit and find a peaceful and fair resolution to the problem, with a superpower like the United States acting as host and mediator. Once all quarrels are amended, the Congolese can start to focus on a ec onomic strategy for rebuilding the country.           Congo's Civil War began on November 2nd, 1998 when Laurent Kabila tried to drive out Rwandan militants who helped him overthrow Mobutu Sese Seko.2 Sese Seko came into power in 1966 when he led a rebellion to overthrow the government of Patrice Lumumbra. Sese Seko led to Africanizing of the country by requiring that all citizens drop their Christan names, and by renaming all the geographical locations with more African names.3 During the 1980's Sese Seko's government received support from the United States, in response to communism's rising popularity in Africa. Because of the misuse of the funds and wealth generated by natural resources, the rich got richer and the poor fell farther into poverty. Sese Seko abused Congo's natural resources and eventually helped lead the country into a state of economic ruin. In 1997 Sese Seko was overthrown by Laurent Kabila. When Kabila took over the country it was in terrible condition but he did nothing to try and improve the st ate of the nation. When he tried to expel the same Rwandan rebels that helped him come to power, he started a war that eventually led to his death. Many various ethnic and rebel groups inside of Congo who relied on the Rwandans for protection joined the uprising.4 Africans inside and around Congo chose s... ...   Farah, Global Insights. New York: Macmillan McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company, 1994. Endnotes 1 â€Å"Quick Guide: DR Congo,†BBC News. Updated Mar. 07 2005. BBC News, Accessed 06 March 2005, 2 â€Å"Congo Civil War,†GlobalSecurity.Org. Updated Feb. 11 2005. GlobalSecurity.org,           Accessed 06 March 2005                          3 â€Å"Mubutu Sese Seko,†Encyclopedia. Updated 2005. Infoplease, Accessed 06 March 2005, 4 â€Å"Congo Civil War,†GlobalSecurity.Org. Updated Feb. 11 2005. GlobalSecurity.org,           Accessed 06 March 2005                          5 Ibid 6 Ibid 7 Ibid 8 Ibid 9 Ibid 10 â€Å"NewsHour with Jim Lehrer†Conflict in Congo, PBS, October 22, 1998. Transcript. Accessed 06 March 2005 11 Garten, Jeffrey E, â€Å"Don't Just Throw Money At The World's Poor†BusinessWeek, March 7, 2005. 12.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Bottled Water vs. Tap Water Essay
In today’s society drinking water from a plastic bottle has become the norm, but just a few decades ago this action was not the case. During the late 70’s a French company named Perrier introduced bottled water to America and convinced people of the fact that drinking water from a bottle would make people look cool, so they advertised a new fashion of consuming this precious liquid. Companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico saw the opportunity to start a division of bottled water as an alternative to soda drinks, so this high revenue business started. Bottled water sales skyrocketed during the 80’s and 90’s thanks to heavy advertising on TV, radio, and billboards which made people to believe that bottled water exceeded the quality of tap water. Tom Lauria, vice president of communications for the International Water Association, stated, â€Å"Once reserved for Perrier-sipping elitists, bottled water has become a drink of the masses. Sales have quadrupled in the last 20 years, and rose almost 8% last year [2007-2008] alone†(Gashler, par.15). According to Tom Lauria, in 1990, 2.2 billion total gallons of bottled water were sold worldwide. In 2007, it was 8.8 billion. In just the last year, wholesale dollar sales for bottled water grew 7.8%, to $11.7 billion in 2007, according to the bottled water trade group. Bottled water became very popular for different reasons; convenient to carry around, no need to wash the containers, and available almost anywhere. But, people must stop to think for a minute about the consequences and the impact caused to earth’s environment because of the choice made by so many people to drink water from a fancy plastic bottle instead of tap water, in most cases safer and less expensive. Read more: 10 minutes presentation how many words. Improper recycling of plastic bottles has caused devastating damage to the earth’s environment and fragile ecosystem. Only about 20 percent of all plastic bottles get recycled, the other 80 percent end up in landfills, river streams, and finally washing off in the oceans. For those bottles that finish in the landfills the process of biodegrading may take hundreds of years. â€Å"Plastic is a material that earth cannot digest. Every bit of plastic ever produced still exists and will be here with us for hundreds of years. Once in the environment, plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller particles that attract toxic chemicals, are ingested by wildlife on land and in the ocean, and contaminate our food chain†(Maqueda, par.1). Most people that drink bottled water ignore or do not care about the impact plastics cause to the ecosystem of earth. In fast pace cities around the world and especially in American, people have become a fast food mind-oriented type of consumer s, always looking for convenience. One can see why people tend to drink bottled water instead of tap water; convenience, portability, and taste. But nations all over the world can experience the cause and effect resulting from the irresponsibility of their citizens to take action in the recycling of plastic bottles. Some people may argue that recycling plastic bottles will not resolve the pollution problem around the planet, but it will reduce the damage to the environment considerably by drinking less bottled water and more tap water. People must stop and consider the effects caused to mother earth when drinking bottled water. Parents, teachers, and government urge others to learn to recycle; but the problem also lies on the companies that produce so much bottled water without strict government supervision on quality and environmental issues. The cost of drinking bottled water exceeds tremendously the price of tap water. Unfortunately most people do not know that tap water may surpass the quality of bottled water. A person that drinks tap water can save more than $800 in a year and will help to reduce the amount of more than 200 plastic bottles in a lifetime period. In addition, this action in return will contribute to save oil used to make most plastic water bottles. Marine life has changed drastically due to the ocean pollution called ocean garbage patches. Plastic bottles became the most common marine litter in many parts of the globe, which equals about 80 percent of all litter found in several seas and oceans. The oceans natural ecosystem will continue to degrade by the tremendous quantities of plastic debris dumped in them; which will endanger the health of sea animals and plants. People must a different approach when opting to drink bottled water; although bottled water has some advantages over tap water, the damage caused to earth will forever have an impact on future generations. Other issue arising from drinking bottled water may reflect on people’s health. Plastic bottles are made with polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) known to cause cancer. â€Å"Since BPA has been linked to low sperm counts and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, scientists like vomSaal and Hunt suggest avoiding reusable bottles made fro m plastic. They also raise serious concerns about the potential for other plastic chemicals to leach out of typical PET water bottles especially if they sit in the hot sun†(Knopper, par.23). Many scientists concerned with the impact on people’s health when drinking bottled water have researched and found pollutants in bottled water due to the leaching from the chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic bottles. Customers purchase bottled water completely unaware of the facts how plastic can affect their health, because people do not take the time to research how bottled water is produced. Finally, the mining of water supplies in rural areas in the United States have conservationists working with communities for support in stopping bottling companies from using their natural resources. Companies like Nestle, Coca-Cola, and Pepsico have purchased the rights to extract water in many states where water is abundant; in defiant opposition of the people against the over mining of peo ple’s water resources. Overall, drinking bottled water comes at a high price, affecting the environment, economy, and people’s health. The inhabitants of this world must become sociably responsible for protecting this fragile ecosystem and become more environmentally conscious. Works Cited Gashler, Krisy. â€Å"Thirst for Bottled Water Unleashes Flood of Environmental Concerns.†Gannett News Service. 06 Jun 2008: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Nov 2011. Maqueda, Manuel. â€Å"The Bioplastic Labyrinth.†Earth Island Journal Autumn 2010: 18. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 17 Nov 2011. Azios, Tony. â€Å"The Battle over Bottled vs. Tap Water.†Christian Science Monitor Jan. 17 2008: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Nov 2011. Knopper, Melissa. â€Å"Bottled Water BACKLASH.†E Magazine May/Jun 2008: 36-36. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Nov 2011.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison - 1239 Words
The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is about a black man struggling to find his identity in 1930s America. This book is called The Invisible Man not because the narrator is literally invisible, but because people only see him through a stereotypical and prejudice point of view. In this book we follow the narrator’s life as a college student, a worker at a paint plant, and a member of a shady political organization called the Brotherhood. The book begins with the narrator claiming he is an invisible man. He says that he lives underground, steals electricity from the Monopolated Light Power Company, burns 1369 light bulbs at once, and listens to Louis Armstrong on a phonograph. The narrator says he is underground so he can write his life story. In the early 1920s, the young narrator lived in the South. Since he is a gifted public speaker, a group of white men invited him to give a speech. Little to his knowledge the white men only sought to use and humiliate him. The men forced the narrator to fight in a boxing ring against other young black men, all blindfolded. After the fight, and other dehumanizing tasks, the narrator is awarded a briefcase containing a scholarship to a black college. That same night the narrator had a dream that his scholarship was actually a piece of paper reading â€Å"To Whom It May Concern†¦ Keep This Nigger-Boy Running.†Now in the 1930s, three years later, the narrator is a student at the black college. The college President, Dr. Bledsoe, asks him toShow MoreRelatedInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1366 Words  | 6 Pagesfighter left standing, amidst unbridled carnage. The titular narrator of Ralph Ellison s novel Invisible Man, is no stranger to those experiences. In the beginning, he is forced to fight several other black boxers for the amusement of many heckling, white spectators. Through the imaginative use of objects, symbols, allusions, and the actions, thoughts, and purposes of the spectators, pugilists and risquà © entertainment, Ellison seeks to express a powerful image of American race relations and womenRead MoreInvisible, Invisible Man, By Ralph Ellison1994 Words  | 8 PagesInvisible Race and Gender in Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the unnamed narrator shows us through the use motifs and symbols how racism and sexism negatively affect the social class and individual identity of the oppressed people. Throughout the novel, the African American narrator tells us the story of his journey to find success in life which is sabotaged by the white-dominated society in which he lives in. Along his journey, we are also shown how the patriarchyRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1246 Words  | 5 Pagesauthor of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison, was born March 1st, 1914, and died April 16, 1994. He was born in Oklahoma City and named after Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous journalist and poet. When Ellison was 3, his father died of a work-related accident, leaving his mother to care for him and his younger brother. As a young boy, he always wanted to major in music, and he went to Tuskegee University to become a composer and performer of music. The summer before his senior year in college, Ellison went toRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison Essay2164 Words  | 9 Pagestrying to rebel against the status quo. Protest literature emerged from the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920’s to 1930’s. Protest literature is used to address real socio-political issues and express objections against them. In his novel, The Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison exposes the racism in society by focusing on the culture, in regards to the expected assimilation of African Americans and how the time period largely influenced the mistreatment of the African American population. He also uses symbolsRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1277 Words  | 6 PagesInvisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, is a story about a young African American man whose color renders him invisible. The theme of racism as a hurdle to individual identity is present throughout the story in a variety of examples. From the beginning of the novel the theme of identity is evident as the narrator states, †Å"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what I was†(Ellison, p. 1254). In the midst of living in a racist American society the speakersRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison909 Words  | 4 PagesInvisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a novel which embodies the universal theme of self-discovery, of the search to figure out who one truly is in life which we all are embarked upon. Throughout the text, the narrator is constantly wondering about who he really is, and evaluating the different identities which he assumes for himself. He progresses from being a hopeful student with a bright future to being just another poor black laborer in New Your City to being a fairly well off spokesperson for aRead MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison977 Words  | 4 PagesBook Review: Invisible Man Invisible Man is an American Literature novel published by Ralph Ellison in 1952. The novel traces the experiences of a young college black man growing up in Harlem, New York. Attempting to succeed in a predominantly white society, the narrator encounters shocks and disillusionments from being expelled from college to hiding in an underground hole to protect himself from the people above. He lives a repressed life as an â€Å"Invisible Man†for he believes that society ignoresRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1032 Words  | 5 Pageslike modern society some people leads, and others will follow. Subjects will conditionally generate their own ideas and realize these ideas rather than just be assigned tasks that question their beliefs. The author Ralph Ellison illustrates it best. Ellison’s realistic fiction Invisible Man perpetuates the manifestation of manipulation over the minorities in this society. As the narrator embraces every identity he has been given, h e starts to become more independent, and a leader in his community. Read MoreThe Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison3051 Words  | 13 Pagesportrayed through the narrator’s, the invisible man, journey through life. The problems with society are foreshadowed by the racism and the symbols of the color white presented in the paint plant. â€Å"The Invisible Man†by Ralph Ellison depicts the African Americans struggle to be viewed as an equal member of society through the narrators struggles through life to discover his individuality or place in society while the white man or the community conspires to â€Å"keep the black man down†. The story follows theRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1481 Words  | 6 PagesInvisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, published in 1952. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans in the early twentieth century. This includes black nationalism, the relationship between black identity a nd Marxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity. The grandson of slaves, Ralph Ellison was born in 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His
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