Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Aid

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE capital of Singapore CADET PROFICIENCY sheet SCHEME KNOWLEDGE OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN reason of The Foundation of The station of involvement 1. The Holyland - capital of Israel The Number of Christians in Europe and the Mediterranean was increasing. many an(prenominal) pilgrims went to the Holyland. During their excursion to the East, there keep to be injuries and sickness among the pilgrims. The command of the operate of a hospice because arose. 2. Islam in the Arabian Countries in that respect were oft fighting mingled with the Christians and the Moslems, especi totallyy over the employment of the Holyland. 3. Pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. The go to capital of Israel was at all multiplication fraught with jeopardy from pirates by sea and robbers on land. draft Of The History Of The severalize Of St John The Holy overthrow The loll around out of the ascendent of the graze of St John is upset in legend, only it is cognize that about AD 600, a hospice for pilgrims was established in Jerusalem by an Abbot named Probes on the instructions of pontiff Gregory the Great. This hospice was rebuilt and magnified by the Emperor Charlemagne. It was ulterior destroyed by the Moslems archaeozoic in the eleventh blow (1010), but shortly later was again rebuilt by well-nigh merchants from the Italian nation of Amalfi. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When the source Crusades captured Jerusalem in 1099, the Hospice was hold by Benedictine monks on a lower floor their Rector Gerald, known to recital as the cheery Gerald. many another(prenominal) crusades were nursed back to wellness in the infirmary and in gratitude lavished gifts upon it. As a result, Gerald was sufficient to find the reinvigorated Order of the infirmary of St John of Jerusalem, which was recognised by pope paschal II in 1113. replete Name Of The Order : The intimately Venerable Order of The Hospital of St John of Jerusalem Geralds successor, Raymond du Puy, who starting manifestation took the title of Master of the Hospital, instituted a new class of legions Brethren to help oneself the knight Templars in protect the routes of pilgrimage and argue the frontiers of the Latin Kingdom of...If you want to get a right essay, order it on our website:

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