Monday, April 29, 2019

What would you consider to be the most important issues or problems in Essay

What would you consider to be the most important issues or problems in Human Resources in the joined Arab Emirates at the present time Broadly speaking, what d - Essay Examplewere foreigners in mid-1990s representing no less(prenominal) thn 60 per cent of the working popultion nd more thn 93 per cent of privte sector employees (Cooper, 1996). ccording to n estimte by the l-Iktissd Wl-ml (1997) mgzine, no less thn 95 per cent of the new jobs in the 1995-2000 period were in the privte sector. There re four sinkrelted resons for the privte sectors resistnce to Emirtistion.The first fctor is lbour cost. The influx of chep foreign lbour during the pst three decdes led to the development of lbour-intensive privte sector, whose continued profitbility hinges on being given free hnd in the utilistion of foreign workers. lthough, since the mid-1990s, coupled rb Emirtes hs incresed the cost of the ltter by introducing compulsory helth cre for foreign workers, locl workers still re very much more expensive to hire (Fshoyin, 2000). It hs further been lleged tht locls will demnd bout six times the slry skilled foreign worker would be prepred to ccept nd will not work s hrd (Fshoyin, 2000). Foreign workers from developing countries ccept reltively low slries becuse they cn still ern more thn they could ern in their home countries. Furthermore, the mjority of foreign workers re young mle bchelors nd because do not hve fmily to support. For locl workers, however, the high cost of living in United rb Emirtes mkes the level of wges offered by the privte sector incpble of providing n cceptble living stndrd for locl workers (tiyyh, 2003).Second, socil nd culturl perceptions towrds work in the privte sector gretly influence compnies bility to recruit nd retin qulified locl workers (see Tble 1). In United rb Emirtes, the type of work, sector of employment nd socil interctions t work determine the socil sttus

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